hulpeloos (bn):
abjekt(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state., armselig(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state., bitter(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state.
(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation., elend(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state.
(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation., erniedrigt(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state., hilflos(en) unable to defend oneself.
(sv) som inte kan skydda sig., jämmerlich(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state., kläglich(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state., verächtlich(en) existing in or sunk to a low condition, position, or state.
(en) showing utter helplessness, hopelessness, or resignation.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken