jullie (vnw):
ihr(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed.
(fi) monen henkilön puhuttelumuoto.
(ru) несколько лиц., Dich(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., Dir(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., Du(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., Euch(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., Ihnen(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., Sie(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., dich(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., dir(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., du(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed., euch(en) subject pronoun: the group being addressed.
(en) object pronoun: the group being addressed.
jullie (determiner):
Ihr(en) belonging to you (plural; more owners)., du(en) used before epithets for emphasis., euer(en) belonging to you (plural; more owners).
jullie (personalPronoun):
euch(nl) —.
(nl) —., ihr(nl) —.
(pl) —.
jullie (possessivePronoun):
euer(nl) —., euere(nl) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
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