kroon (zn):
Krone(nl) —.
(en) imperial or regal power.
(en) anatomy: part of tooth.
(en) any currency issued by the crown.
(en) splendor, culmination, acme.
(en) royal headdress.
(en) dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth.
(en) representation of such a headdress.
(el) στέμμα.
(fr) monnaie..
(fr) ornement des monarques..
(en) whorl of a flower.
(en) currency.
(fi) rahayksikkö.
(fi) hallitsijan seremoniallinen päähine.
(it) {{Term|araldica|it}}.
(ru) головной убор.
(ru) денежная единица.
(sv) myntenhet.
(sv) kungen, kungamakten, staten.
(sv) huvudprydnad.
(it) —.
(pt) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(zh) 一朵花所有花瓣的總稱., Kronleuchter(nl) —., Scheitel(en) anatomy: part of tooth.
(en) splendor, culmination, acme.
(en) imperial or regal power.
(en) dentistry: prosthetic covering for a tooth.
(en) representation of such a headdress.
(en) royal headdress.
(en) any currency issued by the crown., Kopf(sv) kungen, kungamakten, staten.
(sv) myntenhet.
(sv) huvudprydnad., Blumenkrone(en) whorl of a flower.
(zh) 一朵花所有花瓣的總稱., Korolla(en) whorl of a flower.
(zh) 一朵花所有花瓣的總稱., First(fr) sommet., Gipfel(fr) sommet., Höhe(fr) sommet., Koruna(ru) денежная единица., Kranz(pt) —., Wipfel(fr) sommet.
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