kwiek (bn):
geschwind(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed.
(lt) lt., schnell(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed.
(lt) lt., agil(en) nimble, active., beweglich(en) nimble, active., flink(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed., flott(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed., frei(fr) Qui est gai, joyeux avec démonstration.., hurtig(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed., kräftig(en) lively and vigorous., lebendig(en) lively and vigorous., lebenssprühend(en) lively and vigorous., lebhaft(en) lively and vigorous., locker(fr) Qui est gai, joyeux avec démonstration.., munter(fr) Qui est gai, joyeux avec démonstration.., pfeilgeschwind(lt) lt., pfeilschnell(lt) lt., rasch(en) moving or capable of moving with great speed., rüstig(pl) —., scharfsinnig(en) lively, witty.
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