objectief (bn):
objektiv(nl) —.
(ca) Imparcial i no subjectiu.
(ca) Imparcial i no subjectiu.
(en) based on observed fact.
(en) relating to a material object.
(en) not influenced by emotions., unparteiisch(en) impartial and free from prejudice., unvoreingenommen(en) impartial and free from prejudice., vorurteilsfrei(en) impartial and free from prejudice.
objectief (zn):
Objektiv(nl) —.
(ca) Lent o sistema de lents d'un instrument òptic.
(ca) Lent o sistema de lents d'un instrument òptic.
(en) lens.
(fi) kielitiede.
(pl) —., Punkt(en) purpose or objective., Ziel(en) result one is attempting to achieve., Zweck(fr) Objectif..
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