rommel (zn):
Durcheinander(en) a confused disordered jumble of things.
(fr) (Par analogie) Fourbi, grand désordre.
(sv) oordning., Abfall(en) useless by-products, garbage.
(en) rubbish, waste., Müll(en) useless by-products, garbage.
(en) rubbish, waste., Wirrwarr(en) a confused disordered jumble of things.
(fr) Confusion totale., Ausschuss(en) useless by-products, garbage., Baustelle(fr) Désordre., Chaos(fr) Confusion totale., Schrott(en) rubbish, waste., Siebensachen(fr) (Par analogie) Fourbi, grand désordre., Unordnung(en) a confused disordered jumble of things., Verwirrung(en) a confused disordered jumble of things.
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