ruw (bn):
rau(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(ca) De tacte irregular.
(ca) De tacte irregular.
(en) not smooth.
(en) not neat or regular.
(en) broken into sharp points.
(en) rough.
(en) —., derb(en) broken into sharp points.
(en) not neat or regular.
(en) statistics: in an unanalyzed form.
(en) being in a natural state.
(en) lacking tact or taste., grob(en) not smooth.
(en) statistics: in an unanalyzed form.
(en) being in a natural state.
(en) lacking tact or taste.
(en) of inferior quality., krass(en) coarse; crude; not refined, insensitive.
(en) statistics: in an unanalyzed form.
(en) being in a natural state.
(en) lacking tact or taste., roh(en) statistics: in an unanalyzed form.
(en) being in a natural state.
(en) lacking tact or taste.
(pt) (em seu estado natural)., krude(en) statistics: in an unanalyzed form.
(en) being in a natural state.
(en) lacking tact or taste., schroff(en) broken into sharp points.
(en) not neat or regular.
(en) rough and coarse in manner or disposition., harsch(en) rough.
(en) —., robust(en) broken into sharp points.
(en) not neat or regular., ruppig(en) broken into sharp points.
(en) not neat or regular., zerklüftet(en) not neat or regular.
(en) broken into sharp points., Roh-(en) untreated., rauh(en) rough and coarse in manner or disposition., unanständig(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene., unfein(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene., ungebildet(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene., ungehobelt(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene., vulgär(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene., vulgärsprachlich(en) distasteful, uncouth, obscene.
ruw (zn):
roh(ja) 形容表現:生硬な.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken