springen (ww):
springen(nl) —.
(en) to jump.
(en) employ a move in certain board games in which one piece moves over another.
(en) employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.
(en) cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.
(ca) Fer un moviment impulsant-se.
(en) propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.
(fi) ponnistaa irti maasta jaloillaan kerran.
(fr) S’élancer en l’air.
(it) Intransitivo: 1. sollevarsi da terra con uno slancio del corpo.
(ja) 体を躍らす、飛び降りる.
(no) tvinge kroppen opp så den forlater underlaget.
(pl) —.
(sv) utföra ett hopp., einspringen(nl) —., hüpfen(en) to jump.
(en) employ a parachute to leave an aircraft or elevated location.
(en) employ a move in certain board games in which one piece moves over another.
(en) cause oneself to leave an elevated location and fall downward.
(en) propel oneself rapidly upward such that momentum causes the body to become airborne.
(fi) ponnistaa irti maasta jaloillaan kerran.
(sv) utföra ett hopp., Acker(fr) Mourir., arbeiten(fr) Mourir., bespringen(en) to jump., blasen(en) to explode., einen Satz machen(en) to jump., eingehen(fr) Mourir., explodieren(en) to explode., gehen(en) to explode., hochgehen(en) to explode., krepieren(fr) Mourir., schuften(fr) Mourir., sterben(fr) Mourir., verderben(fr) Mourir., verrecken(fr) Mourir.
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