verbinding (zn):
Verbindung(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(ca) [1].
(ca) [1].
(en) point at which two or more things are joined.
(en) established communications or transportation link.
(en) act of connecting.
(en) an intersection of piping or wiring; an interconnect.
(en) chemistry: substance made by chemical combination of elements.
(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something.
(en) connection.
(en) point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry.
(en) computing: connection between buses or systems.
(en) form or state of connection.
(sv) 2. kemisk förening., Verknüpfung(en) point at which two or more things are joined.
(en) established communications or transportation link.
(en) act of connecting.
(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something.
(en) connection.
(en) computing: connection between buses or systems.
(en) form or state of connection., Leitung(en) connected series of public conveyances, and hence, an established arrangement for forwarding merchandise, etc..
(en) telephone or network connection., Assoziation(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something., Block(en) enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined., Gehege(en) enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined., Gelenk(fr) Jointure des os., Gelände(en) enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined., Holzverbindung(en) point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry., Informationsaustausch(en) concept of exchanging information., Kombinieren(en) act of combining., Kommunikation(en) concept of exchanging information., Komplex(en) enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined., Konnotation(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something., Korrelation(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something., Lager(en) enclosure within which workers, prisoners, or soldiers are confined., Verbindungsplatte(en) point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry., Verbindungspunkt(en) junction., Verbindungsstelle(en) junction., Verein(sv) 2. kemisk förening., Vereinigung(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something., Verzinkung(en) point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry., Wechselbeziehung(en) state of being associated; connection to or an affiliation with something., Zusammenschluss(pl) —., Überblattung(en) point of a rigid joint, means of joining in carpentry.
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