verzameling (zn):
Menge(nl) —.
(en) set theory: collection of objects.
(en) group of people, usually meeting socially.
(en) matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables.
(fi) matemaattinen käsite.
(lt) Matematika.
(pt) (coleção).
(pt) (Matemática - grupo de elementos).
(sv) oordnad uppsättning.
(tr) küme., Sammlung(nl) —.
(en) set of items.
(es) —., Kollektion(nl) —.
(en) set of items., Gruppe(en) number of things or persons being in some relation to each other.
(en) matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables.
(en) group of people, usually meeting socially.
(en) set theory: collection of objects., Satz(en) matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables.
(en) group of people, usually meeting socially.
(en) set theory: collection of objects., Set(en) set theory: collection of objects.
(en) matching collection of similar things, such as a set of tables.
(en) group of people, usually meeting socially., Benutzergruppe(en) number of things or persons being in some relation to each other., Einermenge(en) math: set., Korpus(en) collection of knowledge., Schwarm(tr) küme., Wall(tr) küme., einelementige Menge(en) math: set.
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