Vertaling van 'glad' uit het Nederlands naar het Grieks

glad (bn):
ήπιος(en) lacking friction, not rough.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
(en) bland; glib.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) placid, calm.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
, ακύμαντος(en) bland; glib.
(en) placid, calm.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
(en) lacking friction, not rough.
, απαλός(en) lacking friction, not rough.
(en) placid, calm.
(en) bland; glib.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
, γλυκομίλητος(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
(en) bland; glib.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
(en) placid, calm.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
(en) lacking friction, not rough.
, λείος(en) placid, calm.
(en) lacking friction, not rough.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
(en) bland; glib.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
, στρωτός(en) action: natural; unconstrained.
(en) bland; glib.
(en) edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated.
(en) placid, calm.
(en) food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture.
(en) lacking friction, not rough.
(en) suave; sophisticated.
(en) mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain.
, γλιστερός(de) von der oberflächlichen Beschaffenheit her wie eine Aalhaut; schleimig-glatt, schlüpfrig.
(fr) Sur quoi l’on glisse facilement..
(fr) Sur quoi l’on glisse facilement..
(ru) имеющий гладкую поверхность, не вызывающий трения.
, ολισθηρός(en) of a surface.

glad (ww):
εξομαλύνω(en) make smooth., λειαίνω(en) make smooth.

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