knippen (ww):
κόβω(en) computing: to remove and place in memory.
(en) to cease recording.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(fr) Diviser, séparer., κάνω κοπάνα(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to cease recording.
(en) computing: to remove and place in memory., αποκοπή(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) computing: to remove and place in memory.
(en) to cease recording., βγάζω(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) computing: to remove and place in memory.
(en) to cease recording., μειώνω(en) computing: to remove and place in memory.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument.
(en) to cease recording., πηδάω(en) to cease recording.
(en) computing: to remove and place in memory.
(en) to divide with a sharp instrument., ευνουχίζω(en) to remove sex organs from an animal., στειρώνω(en) to remove sex organs from an animal., ψαλιδίζω(en) to cut using scissors.
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