komma (zn):
κόμμα(nl) —.
(ca) Signe de puntuació.
(ca) Signe de puntuació.
(de) Interpunktionszeichen, Deutschland: Satzzeichen.
(en) punctuation mark ','.
(en) arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.).
(fr) Signe de ponctuation indiquant une pause.
(zh) 標點符號.
(ru) знак препинания.
(pt) —., αναφορά(en) arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)., μνεία(en) arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.)., υποδιαστολή(en) arithmetic: decimal point (note: many languages use a comma (',') rather than a dot as a decimal point, and hence the translations into these languages reflect this.).
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com