laag (zn):
στρώμα(nl) —.
(en) expanse of material on a surface.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
(en) deposit.
(en) single thickness of some material covering a surface.
(en) item of clothing worn under or over another.
(ja) 重なり.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., στρώση(ca) Extensió uniforme de material que cobreix alguna cosa.
(ca) Extensió uniforme de material que cobreix alguna cosa.
(en) covering of material, such as paint.
(en) deposit.
(en) item of clothing worn under or over another.
(en) single thickness of some material covering a surface.
(ja) 重なり.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., διάστρωση(en) deposit.
(en) item of clothing worn under or over another.
(en) single thickness of some material covering a surface.
(ja) 重なり., στιβάδα(en) item of clothing worn under or over another.
(en) single thickness of some material covering a surface.
(en) deposit.
(ja) 重なり., επίστρωμα(en) expanse of material on a surface.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material., τάξη(en) social grouping, based on job, wealth, etc..
(zh) 社會集團., φύλλο(en) expanse of material on a surface.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material., επίχρισμα(en) covering of material, such as paint., επικάλυμμα(en) covering of material, such as paint., κοίτασμα(en) deposit of ore, coal etc.., υπόστρωμα(en) a layer that lies underneath another.
laag (bn):
χαμηλός(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(nl) —.
(en) of pitch.
(en) in a position comparatively close to the ground.
(fr) Qui a peu de hauteur ou d’élévation.
(ru) имеющий небольшую протяжённость от верхней точки до нижней.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., ποταπός(nl) —., κοντός(ru) имеющий небольшую протяжённость от верхней точки до нижней., ρηχός(en) having little depth and significantly less deep than wide.
laag (bw):
χαμηλός(ca) A poca altura.
(ca) A poca altura.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken