maat (zn):
μέτρο(de) gemessene Größe; auch in übertragenem Sinne für die Kurven einer Frau.
(de) Einheit, in der etwas gemessen wird.
(en) unspecified portion or quantity.
(en) musical designation.
(en) mathematical function.
(en) size ascertained by measuring.
(en) standard against which something can be judged, criterion., συνάδελφος(en) companion in battle, fellow soldier.
(en) mate, companion, or associate.
(en) —.
(en) trade assistant.
(en) nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel.
(zh) 志趣相投的人;為共同理想、事業而奮鬥的人., συναδέλφισσα(en) companion in battle, fellow soldier.
(en) mate, companion, or associate.
(en) —.
(zh) 志趣相投的人;為共同理想、事業而奮鬥的人., μέγεθος(en) —.
(en) a specific set of dimensions for clothing.
(en) dimensions or magnitude of a thing., συμπολεμιστής(en) companion in battle, fellow soldier.
(en) mate, companion, or associate.
(en) —., συστρατιώτης(en) companion in battle, fellow soldier.
(en) mate, companion, or associate.
(en) —., συνέταιρος(en) trade assistant.
(en) nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel., συνεργάτης(en) trade assistant.
(en) nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel., υποπλοίαρχος(en) nautical: ship's officer on commercial vessel.
(en) trade assistant., νούμερο(pt) [tamanho (de sapato, luva, etc)]., φιλάρας(pl) —., φιλαράκος(pl) —.
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