motorfiets (zn):
μοτοσυκλέτα(de) zweirädriges, einspuriges Fahrzeug mit Antriebsmotor.
(en) motorcycle.
(en) open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel.
(zh) 依据骑乘者重心来转向倾斜的机动车辆., μηχανή(en) motorcycle.
(en) open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel.
(zh) 依据骑乘者重心来转向倾斜的机动车辆., μοτοσικλέτα(en) open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel.
(ja) 単車。.
(zh) 依据骑乘者重心来转向倾斜的机动车辆., δίκυκλο(en) open-seated motor vehicle with handlebars instead of a steering wheel.
(zh) 依据骑乘者重心来转向倾斜的机动车辆., μηχανάκι(en) motorcycle.
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