uitzetten (ww):
κλείνω(ca) Un aparell mecànic, elèctric.
(en) switch off appliance or light., σβήνω(en) switch off appliance or light.
(en) turn switch to off position., απελαύνω(en) to remove a person from one jurisdiction to another by legal process., απενεργοποιώ(en) switch off appliance or light., εκδίδω(en) to remove a person from one jurisdiction to another by legal process., εξορίζω(en) to evict, especially from a country., επεκτείνω(en) (intransitive) to change from a smaller form/size to a larger one., κάνω έξωση(en) to expel., ξεσπιτώνω(en) to expel., παχαίνω(en) to become fatter., χοντραίνω(en) to become fatter.
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