vereniging (zn):
ένωση(en) a group or association of cooperating members.
(en) in set theory.
(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united.
(en) that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members.
(pt) (ato ou resultado de unir-se).
(pt) (pacto).
(zh) 專業團體., σύνδεσμος(en) a group or association of cooperating members.
(en) group of persons associated for a common purpose.
(en) the act of uniting or the state of being united.
(en) that which is united; something formed by a combination of parts or members.
(en) in set theory.
(zh) 專業團體., σύλλογος(de) Organisation von Menschen mit einem gemeinsamen Ziel oder gemeinsamen Interessen.
(en) group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest.
(fr) action d’associer, résultat de cette action., συνασπισμός(en) a group or association of cooperating members.
(en) association., άρθρωση(en) a group or association of cooperating members., έπαθλο(zh) 專業團體., αριθμός(zh) 專業團體., αρμός(en) a group or association of cooperating members., εταιρεία(en) group of persons who meet from time to time to engage in a common interest., θρύλος(en) a group or association of cooperating members., κοινωνία(en) a group or association of cooperating members., κύπελλο(zh) 專業團體., λεγεώνα(en) a group or association of cooperating members., ομάδα(en) a group or association of cooperating members., ομοσπονδία(en) a group or association of cooperating members., πρωτάθλημα(zh) 專業團體., συμμαχία(en) a group or association of cooperating members., συνεταιρισμός(en) a group or association of cooperating members., σχέση(en) a group or association of cooperating members., τίτλος(zh) 專業團體.
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