Vertaling van 'bol' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

bol (zn):
A news report that is reported first by one news organization
exclusive, scoop

bol (zn):
A rounded part of a cylindrical instrument (usually at one end)

bol (zn):
A spherical object used as a plaything

bol (zn):
An object with a spherical shape
ball, globe, orb

bol (zn):
The apparent surface of the imaginary sphere on which celestial bodies appear to be projected
celestial sphere, empyrean, firmament, heavens, sphere, vault of heaven, welkin

bol (zn):
A more or less rounded anatomical body or mass

bol (zn):
A sandbank in a stretch of water that is visible at low tide

bol (zn):
A solid figure bounded by a spherical surface (including the space it encloses)

bol (zn):
A three-dimensional closed surface such that every point on the surface is equidistant from the center

bol (zn):
Any spherically shaped artifact


bol (zn):
sphere(nl) —.
(de) Geometrie: geometrischer Körper, dessen Punkte alle den gleichen Abstand vom Mittelpunkt besitzen.
(es) —.
(sv) tredimensionell form som ger maximal volym vid given yta.
(pt) (termo de geometria).
(zh) 幾何物體.
, ball(de) Geometrie: geometrischer Körper, dessen Punkte alle den gleichen Abstand vom Mittelpunkt besitzen.
(fr) (France) (Populaire) Tête..
(fr) (Géométrie) Intérieur d’une sphère.
(fr) Balle du jeu de paume..
(sv) matematisk mängd.
(pl) —.
, globe(de) Geometrie: geometrischer Körper, dessen Punkte alle den gleichen Abstand vom Mittelpunkt besitzen.

bol (bn):
convex(de) —.

bol (bw):
convex(nl) —.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken