buik (zn):
A protruding abdomen
belly, paunch
buik (zn):
An enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion
breadbasket, stomach, tum, tummy
buik (zn):
The part of the alimentary canal between the stomach and the anus
bowel, gut, intestine
buik (zn):
The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
abdomen, belly, stomach, venter
buik (zn):
Something that bulges out or is protuberant or projects from its surroundings
bulge, bump, excrescence, extrusion, gibbosity, gibbousness, hump, jut, prominence, protrusion, protuberance, swelling
Via: Ensyns.nl
buik (zn):
belly(nl) —.
(ca) Estómac, ventre.
(ca) Estómac, ventre.
(fi) ihmisen vartalon etumus rinnan alapuolelta nivusiin.
(fr) Gros ventre.
(fr) Gros ventre : voyez bedaine.
(de) —.
(es) —.
(es) —.
(es) —.
(es) —.
(fr) Estomac.
(sv) kroppsdel.
(zh) 「腹部」較為口語的說法.
(es) —.
(es) —.
(fr) —.
(pl) —., abdomen(fi) ihmisen vartalon etumus rinnan alapuolelta nivusiin.
(es) —.
(it) (''biologia'') (''anatomia'') (''fisiologia'') parte inferiore del tronco, compresa tra il torace e il bacino.
(sv) kroppsdel.
(pl) —., stomach(da) del af overkrop.
(fi) ruoansulatuskanavan osa.
(fi) ihmisen vartalon etumus rinnan alapuolelta nivusiin.
(de) —.
(pl) —., paunch(fr) Gros ventre.
(de) —.
(sv) kroppsdel., potbelly(fr) Gros ventre.
(de) —., tummy(de) —.
(sv) kroppsdel., bilge(de) —., bulge(de) —., gut(de) —., pot belly(fr) Gros ventre., pot-belly(de) —., tum(de) —., venter(sv) kroppsdel., womb(de) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
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