Vertaling van 'handel' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

handel (zn):
A business established or operated under an authorization to sell or distribute a company's goods or services in a particular area
dealership, franchise

handel (zn):
Social exchange, especially of opinions, attitudes, etc.

handel (zn):
People who perform a particular kind of skilled work
craft, trade

handel (zn):
The aggregation of things (pedestrians or vehicles) coming and going in a particular locality during a specified period of time

handel (zn):
Articles of commerce
commodity, good, trade good

handel (zn):
The commercial exchange (buying and selling on domestic or international markets) of goods and services

handel (zn):
Commodities offered for sale
merchandise, product, ware

handel (zn):
The appendage to an object that is designed to be held in order to use or move it
grip, handgrip, handle, hold


handel (zn):
trade(nl) —.
(fi) hyödykkeen tai palvelun vaihtamista toiseen hyödykkeeseen, palveluun tai rahaan.
(sv) utbyte av varor, tjänster och kapital.
(pl) —.
, commerce(nl) —.
(ca) Bescanvi de productes.
(ca) Bescanvi de productes.
, business(nl) —., trading(nl) —.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken