lont (zn):
Firework consisting of a tube filled with powder (as a broken firecracker) that burns with a fizzing noise
lont (zn):
An electrical device that can interrupt the flow of electrical current when it is overloaded
electrical fuse, fuse, safety fuse
lont (zn):
Any igniter that is used to initiate the burning of a propellant
fuse, fusee, fuze, fuzee, primer, priming
lont (zn):
Match or fuse made to burn slowly and evenly
slow match
Via: Ensyns.nl
lont (zn):
fuse(nl) —.
(fr) (En particulier) (Par ellipse) (Militaire) Corde pour la mise à feu d’un explosif.
(fi) osa räjähteiden, ammusten tai pyroteknisten laitteiden sytytysmekanismia.
(zh) 引起爆炸物爆炸的引線., wick(ca) Cordó per fer llum.
(ca) Cordó per fer llum.
(sv) smal textilremsa.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com