Vertaling van 'maag' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

maag (zn):
The first compartment of the stomach of a ruminant; here food is collected and returned to the mouth as cud for chewing
first stomach, rumen

maag (zn):
A person related by blood or marriage
relation, relative

maag (zn):
The region of the body of a vertebrate between the thorax and the pelvis
abdomen, belly, stomach, venter

maag (zn):
An enlarged and muscular saclike organ of the alimentary canal; the principal organ of digestion
breadbasket, stomach, tum, tummy


maag (zn):
stomach(nl) —.
(de) Anatomie: Verdauungsorgan beim Menschen und bei Tieren.
(el) εσωτερικό όργανο.
(da) organ.
(fi) ruoansulatuskanavan osa.
(lt) skrandis.
(fr) Organe interne destiné à recevoir et à digérer les aliments .
(sv) organ i bukhålan.
(ru) орган пищеварения.
(pl) —.
, belly(lt) skrandis., maw(de) Anatomie: Verdauungsorgan beim Menschen und bei Tieren., tummy(sv) organ i bukhålan.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken