maan (zn):
Long coarse hair growing from the crest of the animal's neck
maan (zn):
The period between successive new moons (29.531 days)
lunar month, lunation, moon, synodic month
maan (zn):
The natural satellite of the Earth
maan (zn):
Any natural satellite of a planet
maan (zn):
Man-made equipment that orbits around the earth or the moon
artificial satellite, orbiter, satellite
maan (zn):
moon(ca) Lluna.
(ca) Lluna.
(de) Erdmond.
(fr) Satellite naturel de la Terre.
(fi) taivaankappale.
(ga) Gealach.
(it) {{Term|araldica|it}} figura araldica convenzionale che raffigura una luna piena.
(it) {{Term|astronomia|it}} satellite della terra.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(ja) 天体 地球の衛星.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(tr) ay.
(pl) —.
(pl) —.
(zh) 環繞行星周圍運行的天體.
(ru) естественный спутник Земли как светящийся объект на небе., Moon(de) Erdmond.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt., satellite(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(zh) 環繞行星周圍運行的天體., month(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(lt) lt.
(tr) ay., full moon(it) {{Term|astronomia|it}} satellite della terra.
(it) {{Term|araldica|it}} figura araldica convenzionale che raffigura una luna piena.
(lt) mėnulio fazė., mane(fi) hevosen t. leijonan harja.
(sv) djurs nackhår., air-hostess(lt) lt., attendant(lt) lt., conductor(lt) lt., crescent(tr) ay., era(ga) Gealach., escort(lt) lt., guard(lt) lt., holy(tr) ay., porter(lt) lt., saint(tr) ay., stewardess(lt) lt., walker(lt) lt.
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