plaag (zn):
A whip used to inflict punishment (often used for pedantic humor)
flagellum, scourge
plaag (zn):
A persistently annoying person
blighter, cuss, gadfly, pest, pesterer
plaag (zn):
Any epidemic disease with a high death rate
pest, pestilence, plague
plaag (zn):
Any large scale calamity (especially when thought to be sent by God)
plaag (zn):
A group of many things in the air or on the ground
cloud, swarm
plaag (zn):
A cruel and brutal fellow
bully, hooligan, roughneck, rowdy, ruffian, tough, yob, yobbo, yobo
plaag (zn):
plague(nl) —.
(fr) (Par extension) Être ou chose nuisible, redoutable ; calamité.
(fr) (Figuré) Toute grande calamité.
(fr) Maladie.
(fr) (Figuré) Calamité .
(sv) samlingsnamn för infektionsjukdomar., scourge(nl) —.
(fr) (Figuré) Toute grande calamité.
(fr) (Par extension) Être ou chose nuisible, redoutable ; calamité., epidemic(no) fenomen som sprer seg.
(sv) smittosam sjukdom som angriper ett stort antal personer.
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