Vertaling van 'roos' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

roos (zn):
An acute streptococcal infection characterized by deep-red inflammation of the skin and mucous membranes

roos (zn):
Pinkish table wine from red grapes whose skins were removed after fermentation began
blush wine, pink wine, rose, rose wine

roos (zn):
Any of many shrubs of the genus Rosa that bear roses
rose, rosebush

roos (zn):
The central building block at the top of an arch or vault
headstone, key, keystone

roos (zn):
A condition in which white scales of dead skin are shed by the scalp


roos (zn):
rose(nl) —.
(de) —.
(fr) Fleur.
(fi) ruusu leikkokukkana.
(ja) 樹木、花.
(es) —.
(ru) цветок.
(zh) 灌木.
(sv) växt.
(zh) 花朵.
, dandruff(nl) —.
(fr) Cellules du cuir chevelu.
(zh) 頭皮表層角質剝落的皮屑.
, bull's-eye(nl) —., target(nl) —., rose-bush(ru) цветок., scall(ru) синдром., scurf(ru) синдром.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken