trap (zn):
Large heavy-bodied chiefly terrestrial game bird capable of powerful swift flight; classified with wading birds but frequents grassy steppes
trap (zn):
Support consisting of a place to rest the foot while ascending or descending a stairway
stair, step
trap (zn):
A flight of stairs or a flight of steps
stairs, steps
trap (zn):
Steps consisting of two parallel members connected by rungs; for climbing up or down
trap (zn):
A way of access (upward and downward) consisting of a set of steps
staircase, stairway
trap (zn):
The act of delivering a blow with the foot
boot, kick, kicking
trap (zn):
The difference in pitch between two notes
interval, musical interval
trap (zn):
Any distinct time period in a sequence of events
phase, stage
trap (zn):
staircase(nl) —.
(de) [[Aufstieg]] und [[Abstieg]] aus [[Stufe]]n in einem [[Gebäude]] oder im [[Freie]]n.
(ca) Conjunt de graons per pujar o baixar.
(ca) Conjunt de graons per pujar o baixar.
(ja) 通路.
(fr) Ensemble de marches.
(es) —.
(ru) сооружение., stairway(nl) —.
(de) [[Aufstieg]] und [[Abstieg]] aus [[Stufe]]n in einem [[Gebäude]] oder im [[Freie]]n.
(ja) 通路.
(fr) Ensemble de marches.
(ru) сооружение., bustard(nl) —.
(lt) lt.
(fr) Petit échassier., degree(nl) —., kick(nl) —., stairs(ja) 通路.
(fr) Ensemble de marches.
(fi) usean portaan rakennelma, jota pitkin voi kävellä yhdeltä tasolta toiselle eri korkeudella olevalle.
(ga) sraith céimeanna., step(de) [[Aufstieg]] und [[Abstieg]] aus [[Stufe]]n in einem [[Gebäude]] oder im [[Freie]]n.
(pl) —.
(pl) —., steps(ja) 通路.
(fr) Ensemble de marches.
(ru) сооружение., flight of stairs(de) [[Aufstieg]] und [[Abstieg]] aus [[Stufe]]n in einem [[Gebäude]] oder im [[Freie]]n.
(fr) Ensemble de marches., floor(ga) sraith céimeanna., ladder(es) —., stair(ru) сооружение., storey(ga) sraith céimeanna.
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