uitbarsting (zn):
(of volcanos) pouring out fumes or lava (or a deposit so formed)
eructation, eruption, extravasation
uitbarsting (zn):
An unrestrained expression of emotion
blowup, ebullition, effusion, gush, outburst
uitbarsting (zn):
The sudden occurrence of a violent discharge of steam and volcanic material
eruption, volcanic eruption
uitbarsting (zn):
A sudden violent spontaneous occurrence (usually of some undesirable condition)
eruption, irruption, outbreak
Via: Ensyns.nl
uitbarsting (zn):
eruption(nl) —.
(fr) Jaillissement de matières expulsées.
(sv) den process som innebär att lava, gaser och annat vulkaniskt material framträder ur en vulkan., blowout(fr) Jaillissement de matières expulsées., eclosion(es) —.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com