vuist (zn):
A hand with the fingers clenched in the palm (as for hitting)
clenched fist, fist
vuist (zn):
A hand tool with a heavy rigid head and a handle; used to deliver an impulsive force by striking
vuist (zn):
A heavy long-handled hammer used to drive stakes or wedges
maul, sledge, sledgehammer
vuist (zn):
fist(nl) —.
(de) Hand mit geballten Fingern.
(fi) kämmen, jonka sormet on puristettu suppuun.
(it) mano chiusa.
(fr) (Anatomie) Main fermée.
(sv) knuten hand.
(pt) (articulação da mão com o antebraço).
(sv) (knuten) hand.
(ru) сжатая кисть руки.
(pl) —., club hammer(nl) —.
(fr) Gros marteau.
(de) —., lump hammer(nl) —.
(de) —., drilling hammer(fr) Gros marteau.
(de) —., fistful(sv) (knuten) hand., handful(sv) (knuten) hand., punch(pt) (articulação da mão com o antebraço)., wrist(pt) (articulação da mão com o antebraço).
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