Vertaling van 'werktuig' uit het Nederlands naar het Engels

werktuig (zn):
An implement for practical use (especially in a household)

werktuig (zn):
A person who is controlled by others and is used to perform unpleasant or dishonest tasks for someone else
creature, puppet, tool

werktuig (zn):
An implement used in the practice of a vocation


werktuig (zn):
tool(nl) —.
(de) Technik: allgemeines Mittel oder Gerät, um Dinge herzustellen oder zu reparieren.
(fr) Instrument propre à certains arts.
(pt) (objeto usado no trabalho).
, implement(fr) Instrument propre à certains arts.
(pt) (objeto usado no trabalho).
(pl) —.
, apparatus(pl) —., device(pl) —., instrument(fr) Instrument propre à certains arts., utensil(fr) Instrument propre à certains arts.

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