Vertaling van 'bezorgd' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

bezorgd (bn):
preocupado(nl) —.
(de) um Hilfe und Unterstützung bemüht, voller Sorge.
(en) showing concern.
(en) thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen.
(sv) orolig.
, inquieto(nl) —.
(en) thinking about unpleasant things that have happened or that might happen.
(en) having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will happen in the future or that is unknown.
(en) anticipating something with anxiety or fear.
, angustiado(en) carrying or loaded with anxiety, fear, or stress., ansioso(en) having a feeling of anxiety or disquietude; extremely concerned, especially about something that will happen in the future or that is unknown., aprensivo(en) anticipating something with anxiety or fear., tenso(en) carrying or loaded with anxiety, fear, or stress.

bezorgd (ww):
comerse la cabeza(en) to be troubled., estar preocupado(en) to be troubled., inquietarse(en) to be troubled., preocuparse(en) to be troubled.

cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken