Vertaling van 'blad' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

blad (zn):
hoja(nl) —.
(ca) Òrgan dels vegetals.
(ca) Òrgan dels vegetals.
(ca) Part tallant.
(ca) Part tallant.
(de) umgangssprachlich: Organ der Presse (Zeitung, Zeitschrift).
(de) Botanik: meist grünes, flächiges Organ von Pflanzen.
(de) geschärfter Teil diverser Werkzeuge und Waffen, welcher die Schneide enthält.
(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
(de) beschnittenes Stück Papier; übertragen: Folie, Lappen, Teig, (dünnes oder flaches) Metall.
(en) sheet of a book.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
(en) sheet of paper.
(en) computing, mathematics: tree node without descendants.
(en) part of a plant.
(en) flat section used to extend a table.
(en) anything resembling the leaf of a plant.
(fi) kasvin osa.
(fr) Rectangle de papier.
(fr) Mince couche plate d’un matériau solide.
(fr) Partie aérienne d’un végétal qui capte la lumière et qui lui permet de respirer.
(fr) (Botanique) Partie intermédiaire du pétale, située entre l'onglet et le limbe..
(fr) Partie d’un outil, d’une arme blanche, d’un instrument, propre à couper, tailler, trancher, raser, gratter, etc..
(ja) 葉 .
(ku) [[beş]]ê [[tûj]] yê [[kêr]]ê û amûrên wek wê.
(it) organo vegetale.
(lt) lt.
(sv) växtdel.
(sv) tidning.
(ru) орган растения.
(pt) (pedaço de papel em branco).
(pt) (órgão da planta responsável pela fotossíntese).
(tr) bitkilerde solunum.
(sv) blad på träd och buskar.
(pl) —.
, folio(nl) —.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
(en) sheet of paper.
(fr) Mince couche plate d’un matériau solide.
(fr) Partie aérienne d’un végétal qui capte la lumière et qui lui permet de respirer.
(fr) Rectangle de papier.
(pt) (pedaço de papel em branco).
(pt) (órgão da planta responsável pela fotossíntese).
, cuchilla(de) geschärfter Teil diverser Werkzeuge und Waffen, welcher die Schneide enthält.
(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
(fr) (Botanique) Partie intermédiaire du pétale, située entre l'onglet et le limbe..
(fr) Partie d’un outil, d’une arme blanche, d’un instrument, propre à couper, tailler, trancher, raser, gratter, etc..
(ku) [[beş]]ê [[tûj]] yê [[kêr]]ê û amûrên wek wê.
, tablero(en) computing, mathematics: tree node without descendants.
(en) anything resembling the leaf of a plant.
(en) part of a plant.
(en) sheet of a book.
(en) flat section used to extend a table.
(fr) Ce qui sert à rallonger une chose.
, lámina(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
(en) sheet of paper.
(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
, gaceta(de) beschnittenes Stück Papier; übertragen: Folie, Lappen, Teig, (dünnes oder flaches) Metall.
(de) umgangssprachlich: Organ der Presse (Zeitung, Zeitschrift).
(de) Botanik: meist grünes, flächiges Organ von Pflanzen.
(fr) Feuille périodique, quotidienne.
, aleta(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, aspa(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, cuchillo(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, espada(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, limbo(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, pala(en) the flat part of a leaf or petal.
(en) flat, functional end of a tool or utensil, such as a propeller, oar, hockey stick, screwdriver, or skate.
(en) typically sharp-edged working end of a knife or other cutting tool.
, foja(pt) (órgão da planta responsável pela fotossíntese).
(pt) (pedaço de papel em branco).
, oficio(pt) (pedaço de papel em branco).
(pt) (órgão da planta responsável pela fotossíntese).
, pliego(en) thin, flat layer of solid material.
(en) sheet of paper.
, diario(fr) Feuille périodique, quotidienne., filo(de) geschärfter Teil diverser Werkzeuge und Waffen, welcher die Schneide enthält., periódico(fr) Feuille périodique, quotidienne., revista(fr) Feuille périodique, quotidienne.

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