Vertaling van 'dom' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

dom (bn):
estúpido(nl) —.
(de) schwach an Verstand, ohne Intelligenz, ohne Können, unwissend.
(en) lacking in intelligence.
(en) extremely stupid.
(ru) обладающий слабым умом.
(pl) —.
, tonto(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
(de) schwach an Verstand, ohne Intelligenz, ohne Können, unwissend.
(en) not smart.
(en) lacking in intelligence.
(en) extremely stupid.
(en) lacking good sense or judgement; unwise.
(ru) обладающий слабым умом.
(pl) —.
, bobo(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
(pl) —.
, infantil(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
, niñito(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
, simple(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
, tontito(en) irresponsible, showing irresponsible behaviors.
(en) foolish, showing a lack of good sense and wisdom.
(en) pejorative: simple, not intelligent, unrefined.
, corto(en) not bright or intelligent., estólido(fr) stupide, imbécile., gilí(en) lacking in intelligence., imprudente(en) lacking good sense or judgement; unwise., limitado(en) not bright or intelligent., menso(en) lacking in intelligence., necio(en) lacking good sense or judgement; unwise., obtuso(en) not bright or intelligent., pendejo(en) lacking in intelligence., soso(en) not bright or intelligent., zote(fr) stupide, imbécile., ñoño(de) in unpassender und dummer Art lustig.

dom (zn):
domo(nl) —., catedral(fr) Bâtiment et lieu de culte.

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