Vertaling van 'gevecht' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

gevecht (zn):
combate(nl) —.
(en) battle.
(en) physical confrontation.
(en) martial arts match.
(en) occasion of fighting.
(en) a battle; a fight.
(sv) strid.
, batalla(nl) —.
(en) general action, fight, or encounter; a combat.
(en) struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life.
(en) a battle; a fight.
(pt) (combate entre exércitos, etc).
, lucha(ca) Acte de lluitar.
(ca) Acte de lluitar.
(en) martial arts match.
(en) occasion of fighting.
(en) physical confrontation.
(en) battle.
(en) general action, fight, or encounter; a combat.
(en) struggle; a contest; as, the battle of life.
(en) strife, effort.
(sv) strid.
, pelea(ca) Acte de barallar-se.
(ca) Acte de barallar-se.
(en) battle.
(en) martial arts match.
(en) occasion of fighting.
(en) physical confrontation.
, acción(en) a battle; a fight., brega(en) strife, effort., forcejeo(en) strife, effort.

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