Vertaling van 'maken' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

maken (ww):
hacer(nl) —.
(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
(en) to produce; make.
(fr) Être la cause de tel ou tel résultat ou en être l’occasion.
(fr) Élaborer, en parlant des œuvres de l’intelligence et de l’imagination.
(fr) Opérer, effectuer, exécuter, accomplir, réaliser, que ce soit d’ordre physique ou d’ordre moral.
(fr) Créer, produire, fabriquer.
(fr) Se mouvoir dans un déplacement d’un lieu à un autre.
(no) drive med.
(no) Skape noe.
(ru) универсальное действие.
(pl) —.
(sv) tillverka.
, producir(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
(en) to make or manufacture.
(en) to sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc).
(en) to produce; make.
, crear(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
(en) to put into existence.
(lt) lt.
, artificiar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, cobrar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, confeccionar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, devengar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, elaborar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, formar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, ganar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, obligar(en) to bring into success.
(en) to create.
(en) to cause to be.
(en) to indicate or suggest to be.
(en) to interpret.
(en) to construct.
, alisar(en) make smooth.
(en) make smooth.
, construir(fr) Bâtir, élever, avec de la pierre, du bois, du métal,….
(fr) —.
, deteriorar(en) make worse.
(ja) 他動詞:…を悪化させる.
, edificar(fr) Bâtir, élever, avec de la pierre, du bois, du métal,….
(fr) —.
, erigir(fr) Bâtir, élever, avec de la pierre, du bois, du métal,….
(fr) —.
, generar(en) to put into existence.
(lt) lt.
, realizar(en) to make or manufacture.
(en) to sponsor and present (a motion picture, etc).
, convertirse en(en) to cause to become., hacer que(en) to cause to become., aderezar(fr) Réparer, raccommoder, rajuster une chose ruinée ou abîmée. (Sens général)., agravar(ja) 他動詞:…を悪化させる., arreglar(fr) Réparer, raccommoder, rajuster une chose ruinée ou abîmée. (Sens général)., atemorizar(en) to disturb with fear., atrapar(en) to cause to become., burlarse(en) to harshly mock; ridicule., captar(en) to cause to become., coger(en) to cause to become., conseguir(en) to cause to become., dificultar(en) to make difficult to accomplish., embarazar(en) to make difficult to accomplish., empeorar(ja) 他動詞:…を悪化させる., empeorarse(ja) 他動詞:…を悪化させる., estorbar(en) to make difficult to accomplish., facer volverse(en) to cause to become., guipar(en) to cause to become., impedir(en) to make difficult to accomplish., llegar(en) to cause to become., obrar(pl) —., obstar(en) to make difficult to accomplish., obtener(en) to cause to become., obviar(en) to bypass a requirement., pillar(en) to cause to become., reparar(fr) Réparer, raccommoder, rajuster une chose ruinée ou abîmée. (Sens général)., restaurar(fr) Réparer, raccommoder, rajuster une chose ruinée ou abîmée. (Sens général)., ridiculizar(en) to harshly mock; ridicule., volver(en) to cause to become., volverse(en) to cause to become.

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