Vertaling van 'neerslaan' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

neerslaan (ww):
ahogar(nl) —.
(fr) Empêcher de respirer librement.
(fr) Faire mourir en arrêtant la respiration.
, sofocar(nl) —.
(fr) Empêcher de respirer librement.
(fr) Faire mourir en arrêtant la respiration.
, condensar(en) to be transformed from a gaseous state into a liquid state.
(en) to transform from a gaseous state into a liquid state.
(en) to come out of a liquid solution into solid form.
, condensarse(en) to be transformed from a gaseous state into a liquid state.
(en) to transform from a gaseous state into a liquid state.
, abatir(en) (obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically.
(fr) Mettre à bas, jeter à terre, faire tomber..
, humillar(en) (obsolete) to bring down (someone) mentally or physically., precipitar(en) to come out of a liquid solution into solid form.

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