Vertaling van 'slaap' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

slaap (zn):
sueño(nl) —.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(fr) État inconscient nécessaire à la vie .
(sv) sinnestillstånd då kroppen befinner sig i djup vila.
(ru) состояние.
(de) —.
(pl) —.
, sien(nl) —.
(de) Anatomie: der Bereich zwischen Ohr und Auge, auf dem man beim Schlafen liegt.
(en) region of skull.
(ja) 顳顬.
(sv) huvudets sidotrakt mellan den yttre ögonvrån och örats övre del.
, chele(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, chelito(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, dormición(en) state of reduced consciousness.
(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
, lagaña(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, legaña(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, magaña(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, pitarra(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, pitaña(en) substance found in the corner of the eyes, sometimes as a figurative objectification of sleep.
(en) state of reduced consciousness.
, dormir(ru) состояние.

Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken