Vertaling van 'snappen' uit het Nederlands naar het Spaans

snappen (ww):
tañar(nl) —., comprender(en) to deeply understand (someone or something).
(en) to grasp the meaning of.
(en) to understand.
(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding.
(en) to perceive and understand.
(lt) lt.
(pl) —.
, entender(en) to grasp the meaning of.
(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding.
(en) to decipher, understand.
(lt) lt.
(pt) (entender).
(pl) —.
, captar(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding.
(en) to perceive and understand.
(en) colloquial: to understand.
, coger(en) to grasp the meaning of.
(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding.
(en) colloquial: to understand.
, atrapar(en) colloquial: to understand.
(fr) (Familier) (Sens figuré) Attraper, saisir, surprendre à l’improviste..
, pillar(en) colloquial: to understand.
(fr) (Familier) (Sens figuré) Attraper, saisir, surprendre à l’improviste..
, convertirse en(en) colloquial: to understand., hacer que(en) colloquial: to understand., no entender(en) to fail to understand., abrazar(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., ahondar(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., aprehender(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding., cachar(en) to perceive and understand., capturar(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding., conseguir(en) colloquial: to understand., errar(en) to fail to understand., facer volverse(en) colloquial: to understand., fallar(en) to fail to understand., faltar(en) to fail to understand., fondear(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., guipar(en) colloquial: to understand., hondear(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., llegar(en) colloquial: to understand., marrar(en) to fail to understand., obtener(en) colloquial: to understand., pasar por alto(en) to fail to understand., percibir(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding., prender(en) to take hold of (something) with the understanding., profundizar(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., sondar(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., sondear(en) to deeply understand (someone or something)., sorprender(fr) prendre au dépourvu., volverse(en) colloquial: to understand.

Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken