afleiding (zn):
distraction(nl) —.
(en) something that distracts.
(it) svago., dérivé(nl) —.
(en) word that derives from another.
(de) Linguistik: Bildung neuer Wörter mit Hilfe grammatischer Morpheme., appât(en) person or object meant to lure something to danger.
(en) animal used by hunters to lure game., déduction(en) process of reasoning.
(en) ability or skill to deduce., dérivation(de) Linguistik: Bildung neuer Wörter mit Hilfe grammatischer Morpheme.
(pt) (acréscimo de afixos a uma palavra)., leurre(en) person or object meant to lure something to danger.
(en) animal used by hunters to lure game.
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