gemeen (bn):
commun(nl) —.
(ca) Comunal, col·lectiu, de tothom, públic.
(ca) Ordinari, típic.
(ca) Comunal, col·lectiu, de tothom, públic.
(ca) Ordinari, típic.
(en) usual.
(en) mutual.
(es) —., méchant(nl) —.
(en) intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise.
(en) powerful; fierce; harsh; damaging.
(en) low-minded; acting without consideration of others.
(en) naughty.
(sv) elak., habituellement(nl) —., cruel(en) intending to cause harm, successfully or otherwise.
(en) low-minded; acting without consideration of others.
(en) powerful; fierce; harsh; damaging.
(en) that intentionally causes pain and suffering., commune(en) usual.
(en) mutual., acrimonieux(en) angry, acid, and sharp in delivering argumentative replies., bâtard(en) of or like a bastard (bad person)., coquin(en) naughty., espiègle(en) naughty., gueux(en) part of the common rabble., malicieux(en) naughty., malin(en) naughty., mauvais(en) cruel, mean or immoral., minable(de) —., ordinaire(en) part of the common rabble., roturier(en) part of the common rabble.
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