moeilijk (bn):
difficile(nl) —.
(ca) Que s'aconsegueix amb dificultat.
(en) demanding a lot of effort to endure.
(en) requiring a lot of effort to do or understand.
(de) eine Herausforderung darstellend, nicht einfach.
(ca) Que s'aconsegueix amb dificultat.
(en) hard, not easy.
(en) hard to manage (said of a person, horse, etc.).
(ru) требующий усилий.
(sv) svår att klara av.
(pl) —., dur(en) demanding a lot of effort to endure.
(en) requiring a lot of effort to do or understand.
(de) eine Herausforderung darstellend, nicht einfach.
(ru) требующий усилий.
(sv) svår att klara av.
(sv) som åsamkar påfrestning., pénible(en) not easily managed or handled; awkward.
(en) burdensome or hindering, as if a weight or drag; vexatious; cumbrous.
(en) hard, difficult, demanding to handle.
(en) burdensome.
(sv) som åsamkar påfrestning., encombrant(en) not easily managed or handled; awkward.
(en) burdensome or hindering, as if a weight or drag; vexatious; cumbrous.
(en) hard, difficult, demanding to handle., fastidieux(en) not easily managed or handled; awkward.
(en) burdensome or hindering, as if a weight or drag; vexatious; cumbrous.
(en) hard, difficult, demanding to handle., intraitable(en) mathematics: not able to be solved in polynomial time; too difficult to attempt to solve., lourd(en) burdensome., onéreux(en) burdensome.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken