onsamenhangend (bn):
incohérent(nl) —.
(en) factious, tending to break into pieces., disparate(en) composed of inherently different elements., dissonant(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical., décousu(en) not connected, coherent, or continuous., délicat(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical., exigeant(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical., incongru(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical., inconvenant(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical., malséant(en) incongruous, inappropriate or illogical.
onsamenhangend (bw):
de façon incohérente(nl) —.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com