verafschuwen (ww):
détester(nl) —.
(de) transitiv: Abscheu gegen jemanden oder etwas empfinden.
(en) to dislike intensely.
(en) to detest, hate, revile.
(sv) tycka illa om.
(pt) (sentir ódio por)., abhorrer(en) to regard with horror or detestation.
(pt) (sentir ódio por)., abominer(en) to feel disgust towards, to hate in the highest degree.
(pt) (sentir ódio por)., exécrer(en) to detest, hate, revile.
(pt) (sentir ódio por)., haïr(en) to detest, hate, revile.
(pt) (sentir ódio por)., avoir horreur(en) to regard with horror or detestation., mépriser(en) to dislike intensely.
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