bloedverwant (zn):
parente(en) member of one's family.
(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人., congiunta(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人., congiunto(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人., familiare(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人., parentado(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人., parentela(en) someone connected by blood, marriage, or adoption; someone in the same family.
(zh) 因血緣、婚姻或收養而有所關聯的人.
bloedverwant (bn):
congiunto(en) kindred by birth.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken