Vertaling van 'bui' uit het Nederlands naar het Italiaans

bui (zn):
acquazzone(de) Regenschauer: kurzer, heftiger Niederschlag analog: Schneeschauer.
(en) brief fall of rain.
(sv) plötsligt, kortvarigt regn.
(zh) 天氣現象.
, scroscio di pioggia(de) Regenschauer: kurzer, heftiger Niederschlag analog: Schneeschauer.
(en) brief fall of rain.
, tempesta(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather.
(sv) oväder.
, cattivo umore(en) bad mood., rovescio di pioggia(zh) 天氣現象., scroscio di pioggia(zh) 天氣現象., bufera(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather., burrasca(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather., groppo(ru) ветер., raffica(ru) ветер., rovescio(de) Regenschauer: kurzer, heftiger Niederschlag analog: Schneeschauer., rovescio di pioggia(en) brief fall of rain., temporale(en) disturbed state of the atmosphere causing destructive or unpleasant weather., tormenta(ru) ветер.

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