ergernis (zn):
fastidio(en) annoyance or grievance.
(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., irritazione(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance.
(en) vexation; irritation of mind; rage., annoiamento(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., annoiatura(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., collera(en) vexation; irritation of mind; rage., dispetto(en) vexation, chagrin, mortification., disturbo(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., nervosismo(en) vexation; irritation of mind; rage., noia(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., rabbia(en) vexation; irritation of mind; rage., scocciatura(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., seccatura(en) that which annoys and causes a status of annoyance., stizza(en) vexation; irritation of mind; rage.
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