gemeenschap (zn):
comunità(ca) Conjunt de persones que se senten part d'una mateixa cosa i viuen plegats en algun moment.
(ca) Conjunt de persones que se senten part d'una mateixa cosa i viuen plegats en algun moment.
(en) (ecology) group of interdependent organisms.
(en) group sharing a common understanding.
(en) condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common.
(en) residential or religious collective.
(tr) topluluk., comunanza(en) residential or religious collective.
(en) (ecology) group of interdependent organisms.
(en) group sharing a common understanding.
(en) condition of having certain attitudes and interests in common., società(fi) tietyllä maantieteellisellä alueella asuvien ja vuorovaikutuksessa olevien ihmisten muodostama yhteisö.
(sv) mänsklig gemenskap., domestichezza(en) archaic term for sexual intercourse., rapporto carnale(en) archaic term for sexual intercourse.
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