ontelbaar (bn):
incalcolabile(en) too many to count, innumerable.
(en) too many to be counted.
(en) linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted., innumerevole(en) too many to count, innumerable.
(en) linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted.
(en) too many to be counted., innumerabile(en) too many to count, innumerable.
(fr) Qui ne peut pas se dénombrer., invariabile(en) too many to be counted.
(en) linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted., non numerabile(en) linguistics: about a noun which cannot be counted.
(en) too many to be counted., numeroso(en) Indefinitely large numerically.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken
Via: Memodata.com