restant (zn):
rimanenza(en) what remains after some has been removed.
(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group.
(pt) aquilo que sobra do corte de uma peça.
(de) —., resto(en) what remains after some has been removed.
(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group.
(fr) Ce qui reste d’une plus grande somme., avanzo(en) what remains after some has been removed.
(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group., residuo(en) what remains after some has been removed.
(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group., ritaglio(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group.
(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt., scampolo(en) remaining fabric at the end of the bolt.
(en) small portion remaining of a larger thing or group., invenduto(de) —., restante(en) what remains after some has been removed., ritagli(pt) aquilo que sobra do corte de uma peça.
restant (bn):
avanzato(en) remaining, left behind.
Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken