schadelijk (bn):
dannoso(en) causing damage or harm.
(en) likely to be damaging.
(ru) вредоносный.
(es) —.
(es) —., nocivo(en) likely to be damaging.
(en) hurtful or noxious to health.
(en) morally hurtful or noxious.
(ru) вредоносный., deleterio(en) harmful.
(es) —., insalubre(en) morally hurtful or noxious.
(en) hurtful or noxious to health., malsano(en) hurtful or noxious to health.
(en) morally hurtful or noxious., pernicioso(en) causing death or injury.
(en) causing much harm., avverso(en) unfavourable, adverse, or disadvantageous., lesivo(en) causing damage or harm., malefico(en) harmful or evil in intent or effect., maligno(en) harmful or evil in intent or effect.
schadelijk (zn):
detrimento(en) harm, hurt, damage., scapito(en) harm, hurt, damage., svantaggio(en) harm, hurt, damage.
cached Via: Dbnary en WikiWoordenboeken